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Rice is a common staple cereal food in the world that is consumed by the maximum number of people. Approximately 89 % of the diet of Asians constitutes rice while approximately 45 % of those who belong to the Western countries do prefer to have wheat as their major source of diet and the rest of them do prefer to consume rice as a major source of food. However, the countries especially in the Asia continent, the growth of population and increase economical constraints with widening margin between the rich and the poor is leading to the per capita consumption of rice and it is estimated to increase remarkably. Such imbalance reflects on the rice economy in those countries trying to establish themselves as self-sufficient in rice production. But the reason for rice is a major crop of the world and demanding staple food for many. 

Nutritional value

As per the figures from Food and Agricultural Organization, rice supplies approximately 698 calories per day whereas wheat supplies approximately 267 calories per day, maize supplies approximately 208 calories per day, millet, and sorghum combined supplies approximately 145 calories per day.
Irrespective of the chemical composition of rice differs with the conditions under which that they have been grown, the genotype, their genetic factor, and other environmental factors such as season of cultivation and location, degree of milling, fertilizer treatment, and the storage facilities including the condition also influence the status of nutrition of the crop and its yield.


Transformation of
grains to rice

Milling is the process where the transformation of rice grain takes place into a form suitable for the consumption of humans. In this process, the raw rice is obtained. Approximately 60% of the total price that is produced in India is subjected to the transformation of raw rice at the mils. Rice milling losses may be qualitative or quantitative. The place where the process takes place is called mil. 


Manufacturing techniques

The rice from the paddy fields send to the milling process, so there, they separate the kernel from the hull, they use the burnishing process so that the brownish layer can come out of the kernel by which the production of germ and bran came out. By this process, the simple rice becomes the superfood, and a must buy the product for the health concerns of people

Rice bran and broken rice

The word rice bran means the nutrients which are present in the outer layer, which is brown or you can say it is made from the outer husk of paddy rice grain. It is a pure and natural source of various vitamins and minerals along with a range of antioxidants that keep our heart and health healthy.
Whereas, the Broken rice is particles of rice grains, broken in the field, during transport, during drying, or by milling. Sometimes the mechanical separators are used to separate the broken grains from the whole grains and then sort them by size.

In the era, health issues and people looking to maintain their health out of the busy schedule will surely look for such rice to include in their diet. Moreover, such cereals are widely available across the globe, and several people including the farmers and the buyers are getting the best benefit out of it. Thus, the use of rice has been in demand in the primitive as well as in the modern era.

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